Knot catalogue

pyknotid provides knot lookup by name or invariant values, using a prebuilt database.

The knot database includes information about all knots with up to 15 crossings, with topological invariants following those indexed by the Knot Atlas and the KnotInfo Table of Knot Invariants, or calculated by pyknotid using the Dowker-Thistlethwaite codes of the knots.

Downloading the database

The database must normally be downloaded separately, and is currently approximately 230MB in size.

If you do not download the database, most of pyknotid will work fine. Only the explicit knot identification by database lookup, or direct database queries, are not available.

To download the knot database:

from pyknotid.catalogue.getdb import download_database

After this has completed (it may take a few seconds), the database functions should all work immediately.

For other database management functions, see Database download module.

Lookup by name

Use pyknotid.catalogue.identify.get_knot():

from pyknotid.catalogue.identify import get_knot
trefoil = get_knot('3_1')
figure_eight = get_knot('4_1')

Lookup by invariants

Use pyknotid.catalogue.identify.from_invariants():

from pyknotid.catalogue.identify import from_invariants

from_invariants(determinant=5, max_crossings=9)
# returns [<Knot 4_1>, <Knot 5_1>]

import sympy as sym
t = sym.var('t')
from_invariants(alexander=1-t+t**2, max_crossings=9)
# returns [<Knot 3_1>]

For a full list of lookup parameters, see from_invariants().

Exploring properties of knots

You can view more properties of any knot returned by the database:

from pyknotid.catalogue import get_knot, from_invariants

k = get_knot('5_2')
k.pretty_print()  # prints some information from the database:
                  #  Identifier: 5_2
                  #  Min crossings: 5
                  #  Fibered: False
                  #  Gauss code: -1, 5, -2, 1, -3, 4, -5, 2, -4, 3
                  #  Planar diagram: X_1425 X_3849 X_5,10,6,1 X_9,6,10,7 X_7283
                  #  DT code: 4 8 10 2 6
                  #  Determinant: 7
                  #  Signature: -2
                  #  Alexander: 2*t**2 - 3*t + 2
                  #  Jones: 1/q - 1/q**2 + 2/q**3 - 1/q**4 + q**(-5) - 1/q**6
                  #  HOMFLY: -a**6 + a**4*z**2 + a**4 + a**2*z**2 + a**2
                  #  Hyperbolic volume: 2.82812
                  #  Vassiliev order 2: 2
                  #  Vassiliev order 3: -3
                  #  Symmetry: reversible

Properties of the knot can also be accessed directly:

k.determinant  # 7

For a full list of attributes available, see pyknotid.catalogue.database.Knot.