Source code for pyknotid.representations.gausscode


Classes for working with Gauss codes representing planar projections
of curves.

See class documentation for more details.

API documentation

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as n
import re
import sys

[docs]class GaussCode(object): '''Class for containing and manipulating Gauss codes. By default you must pass an extended Gauss code that includes the sign of each crossing ('c' for clockwise or 'a' for anticlockwise), e.g. ``1+c,2-c,3+c,1-c,2+c,3-c`` for the trefoil knot. If you do not know the crossing signs you can instead call :meth:`GaussCode.calculating_orientations`, e.g. :code:`gc = GaussCode.calculating_orientations('1+,2-,3+,1-,2+,3-')`. The length of a Gauss code (e.g. ``len(GaussCode())``) is the number of crossings in it. Parameters ---------- crossings : array-like or string or PlanarDiagram or GaussCode A raw_crossings array from a :class:`~pyknotid.spacecurves.spacecurves.Knot` or :class:`~pyknotid.spacecurves.spacecurves.Link`, or a string representation of the form (e.g.) ``1+c,2-c,3+c,1-c,2+c,3-c``, with commas between entries, and with multiple link components separated by spaces and/or newlines. If a PlanarDiagram or GaussCode is passed, the code is duplicated. verbose : bool Whether to print information during calculations. Defaults to True. ''' def __init__(self, crossings='', verbose=True): from pyknotid.representations import planardiagram if isinstance(crossings, str): self._init_from_string(crossings) elif isinstance(crossings, GaussCode): self._gauss_code = [row.copy() for row in crossings._gauss_code] elif isinstance(crossings, planardiagram.PlanarDiagram): raise NotImplementedError( 'planar diagram -> gauss code not implemented') else: if isinstance(crossings, n.ndarray): crossings = [crossings] self._init_from_raw_crossings_array(crossings) self.crossing_numbers = _get_crossing_numbers(self._gauss_code) self.verbose = verbose def copy(self): return GaussCode(self)
[docs] def mirrored(self): '''Returns a copy of self with crossing orientations reversed.''' gc = self.copy() for row in gc._gauss_code: row[:, 2] *= -1 return gc
[docs] def flipped(self): '''Returns a copy of self with crossing over/under switched.''' gc = self.copy() for row in gc._gauss_code: row[:, 1] *= -1 row[:, 2] *= -1 return gc
[docs] @classmethod def calculating_orientations(cls, code): '''Takes a Gauss code without crossing orientations and returns an equivalent Gauss code (though not necessarily of the same length). This works by generating a space curve and finding its self-intersections on projection. This is overkill for the problem, but works. ''' code = code.replace(',', 'c,') code = code.replace(' ', 'c ') code = code.replace('\n', 'c\n') code = ''.join([code, 'c']) gc = GaussCode(code) from pyknotid.representations import representation rep = representation.Representation(gc) # rep.draw_planar_graph() # print('ready to do space curve') sp = rep.space_curve() # sp.rotate() return sp.gauss_code()
def contains_virtual(self): for row in self._gauss_code: if n.any(row[:, 0] < 0): return True return False
[docs] def without_virtual(self): '''Returns a version of the Gauss code without explicit virtual crossings.''' gc = GaussCode(self) new_rows = [] for row in gc._gauss_code: keep = n.ones(len(row), dtype=n.bool) virtual_cs = n.argwhere(row[:, 0] < 0) indices = virtual_cs.flatten() for index in indices: keep[index] = False new_row = row[keep].copy() new_rows.append(new_row) gc._gauss_code = new_rows gc.crossing_numbers = set([c for c in gc.crossing_numbers if c >= 0]) return gc
def __len__(self): return int(sum([len(c) for c in self._gauss_code]) / 2) def _init_from_raw_crossings_array(self, crossings): ''' Takes a list of crossings in (optionally multiple) lines, and converts to internal Gauss code representation. ''' assigned_indices = {} gauss_code = [] current_index = 1 current_virtual_index = -1 for line in crossings: line_gauss_code = [] for ident, other_ident, over, clockwise in line: over = int(over) clockwise = int(clockwise) if ident not in assigned_indices: if over != 0: assigned_indices[other_ident] = current_index index = current_index current_index += 1 else: assigned_indices[other_ident] = current_virtual_index index = current_virtual_index current_virtual_index -= 1 else: index = assigned_indices.pop(ident) line_gauss_code.append([index, over, clockwise]) gauss_code.append(n.array(line_gauss_code)) self._gauss_code = gauss_code def _init_from_string(self, crossings): ''' Converts the string into internal Gauss code representation. ''' regex = re.compile('[ \n]+') lines = regex.split(crossings) gauss_code = [] over_under = {'+': 1, '-': -1, 'v': 0} signs = {'c': 1, 'a': -1, 'v': 1} for line in lines: line_gauss_code = [] line_crossings = line.split(',') for line_crossing in line_crossings: line_gauss_code.append([int(line_crossing[:-2]), over_under[line_crossing[-2]], signs[line_crossing[-1]]]) gauss_code.append(n.array(line_gauss_code)) self._gauss_code = gauss_code def __repr__(self): out_strs = [] gauss_code = self._gauss_code for line in gauss_code: if len(line) == 0: out_strs.append('----') out_strs.append(',') else: for entry in line: out_strs.append(str(entry[0])) classical = entry[1] != 0 if classical: over = (entry[1] > 0) if over: out_strs.append('+') else: out_strs.append('-') clockwise = (entry[2] > 0) if clockwise: out_strs.append('c') else: out_strs.append('a') else: out_strs.append('v') out_strs.append(',') out_strs = out_strs[:-1] out_strs.append('\n') out_strs = out_strs[:-1] return ''.join(out_strs) def __str__(self): return repr(self) def _do_reidemeister_moves(self, one=True, two=True, one_extended=True): ''' Performs the given Reidemeister moves a single time, iterating over all the crossings of self. ''' code = self._gauss_code crossing_numbers = self.crossing_numbers rm2_store = {} # These lists keep track of which crossings have been removed, to # avoid modifying the arrays every time an RM is performed keeps = [n.ones(l.shape[0], dtype=bool) for l in code] # First do RM1 and RM2 for line_index, line in enumerate(code): keep = keeps[line_index] for row_index, row in enumerate(line): next_index = (row_index + 1) % len(line) next_row = line[next_index] if (one and (row[0] == next_row[0]) and keep[row_index] and keep[next_index]): number = row[0] crossing_numbers.remove(number) keep[row_index] = False keep[next_index] = False if (two and keep[row_index] and keep[next_index] and (row[1] == next_row[1])): # both over or under numbers = tuple(sorted([row[0], next_row[0]])) if numbers not in rm2_store: rm2_store[numbers] = (line_index, row_index, next_index) else: other_indices = rm2_store.pop(numbers) crossing_numbers.remove(row[0]) crossing_numbers.remove(next_row[0]) keep[row_index] = False keep[next_index] = False keeps[other_indices[0]][other_indices[1]] = False keeps[other_indices[0]][other_indices[2]] = False # Next do RM1_extended separately (could be more efficient?) if one_extended: # Do extended RM1 as a separate step print code = [(line[keep] if len(line) > 0 else line) for (line, keep) in zip(code, keeps)] keeps = [n.ones(l.shape[0], dtype=bool) for l in code] crossing_indices = {} for line_index, line in enumerate(code): for row_index, row in enumerate(line): identifier, over, crossings = row if identifier not in crossing_indices: crossing_indices[identifier] = [] crossing_indices[identifier].append((line_index, row_index)) for number in list(crossing_numbers): if number not in crossing_numbers: continue # The crossing has already been removed locations = crossing_indices[number] if locations[0][0] != locations[1][0]: # not on same line continue line_index = locations[0][0] first_index = locations[0][1] second_index = locations[1][1] first_index, second_index = sorted( [first_index, second_index]) # First, check crossings in the middle of the list in_between = code[line_index][first_index+1:second_index] in_between_keeps = keeps[line_index][first_index+1:second_index] if len(in_between) > 0: in_between = in_between[in_between_keeps] if n.abs(n.sum(in_between[:, 1])) == len(in_between): # all crossings over or under keeps[line_index][first_index] = False keeps[line_index][second_index] = False for entry in in_between: identifier = entry[0] if identifier in crossing_numbers: crossing_numbers.remove(identifier) indices = crossing_indices[identifier] keeps[indices[0][0]][indices[0][1]] = False keeps[indices[1][0]][indices[1][1]] = False crossing_numbers.remove(number) # Second, wrap around the list if a big rm1 wasn't performed if number not in crossing_numbers: continue in_between = n.vstack((code[line_index][second_index+1:], code[line_index][:first_index])) in_between_keeps = n.hstack((keeps[line_index][second_index+1:], keeps[line_index][:first_index])) if len(in_between) > 0: in_between = in_between[in_between_keeps] if n.abs(n.sum(in_between[:, 1])) == len(in_between): keeps[line_index][first_index] = False keeps[line_index][second_index] = False for entry in in_between: identifier = entry[0] if identifier in crossing_numbers: crossing_numbers.remove(identifier) indices = crossing_indices[identifier] keeps[indices[0][0]][indices[0][1]] = False keeps[indices[1][0]][indices[1][1]] = False crossing_numbers.remove(number) # Get rid of all crossings that have been removed by RMs self._gauss_code = [(line[keep] if len(line) > 0 else line) for (line, keep) in zip(code, keeps)] self.crossing_numbers = crossing_numbers
[docs] def simplify(self, one=True, two=True, one_extended=True): ''' Simplifies the GaussCode, performing the given Reidemeister moves everywhere possible, as many times as possible, until the GaussCode is no longer changing. This modifies the GaussCode - (non-topological) information may be lost! Parameters ---------- one : bool Whether to use Reidemeister 1, defaults to True. two : bool Whether to use Reidemeister 2, defaults to True. one_extended : bool Whether to use extended Reidemeister 1, which removes crossings connected by arcs which include only over or only under crossings (and which must thus be topologically irrelevant). Defaults to True. ''' if self.verbose: print('Simplifying: initially {} crossings'.format( n.sum([len(line) for line in self._gauss_code]))) number_of_runs = 0 while True: original_gc = self._gauss_code original_len = n.sum([len(line) for line in original_gc]) self._do_reidemeister_moves(one, two) new_gc = self._gauss_code new_len = n.sum([len(line) for line in new_gc]) number_of_runs += 1 if self.verbose: sys.stdout.write('\r-> {} crossings after {} runs'.format( n.sum([len(line) for line in new_gc]), number_of_runs)) sys.stdout.flush() if new_len == original_len: break if self.verbose: print()
[docs] def reindex_crossings(self): '''Replaces the indices of the crossings in the Gauss code with the integers from 1 to its length. Note that this modifies the Gauss code in place, the previous indices are not recorded. ''' num_crossings = len(self) new_number = 1 numbers_dict = {} for line in self._gauss_code: for i, row in enumerate(line): number = row[0] if number in numbers_dict: row[0] = numbers_dict.pop(number) else: numbers_dict[row[0]] = new_number row[0] = new_number new_number += 1 self.crossing_numbers = set(range(1, num_crossings + 1))
def _remove_crossing(self, number): gc = self._gauss_code new_gc = [] for row in gc: new_gc.append(row[row[:, 0] != number]) self._gauss_code = new_gc self.crossing_numbers = _get_crossing_numbers(self._gauss_code)
def _get_crossing_numbers(gc): ''' Given GaussCode internal data, returns a list of all the crossing numbers within ''' crossing_vals = set() for line in gc: for entry in line: crossing_vals.add(entry[0]) return crossing_vals