Source code for pyknotid.representations.gaussdiagram


.. image:: example_gauss_diagram_k10_93.png
   :alt: A Gauss diagram for the knot 10_93
   :align: center
   :scale: 50%

Class for creating and viewing Gauss diagrams.

API documentation

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as n

[docs]class GaussDiagram(object): ''' Class for containing and manipulating Gauss diagrams. Parameters ---------- representation : Another representation of a knot. ''' def __init__(self, representation): from pyknotid.representations.gausscode import GaussCode gc = representation if not isinstance(gc, GaussCode): gc = GaussCode(representation) self._gauss_code = gc._gauss_code if len(self._gauss_code) == 0 or len(self._gauss_code) > 1: raise Exception('GaussDiagram can only be created from ' 'single-component Gausscode') self._fig_ax = None self._fig_ax = self.plot()
[docs] def plot(self, fig_ax=None): '''Plots the Gauss diagram using matplotlib. This is called automatically on __init__. Returns a tuple of the matplotlib figure and axis. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if fig_ax is None: if self._fig_ax is not None: fig, ax = self._fig_ax else: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig, ax = fig_ax ax.clear() c1 = plt.Circle((00, 00), radius=100., linewidth=2, color='black', fill=False, antialiased=True) gc = self._gauss_code[0] num_points = len(gc) angles = n.linspace(0, 2*n.pi, num_points+1)[:-1] other_angles = {} for i, angle in enumerate(angles): gc_entry = gc[i, 0] circ_pos = 100*n.array([n.cos(angle), n.sin(angle)]) rad_pos = 1.2*circ_pos ax.annotate(str(gc_entry), xy=circ_pos, xytext=rad_pos) if gc_entry in other_angles: other_angle = other_angles.pop(gc_entry) other_pos = 100*n.array([n.cos(other_angle), n.sin(other_angle)]) over = gc[i, 1] sign = gc[i, 2] colour = {-1: 'red', 1: 'blue'}[sign] if over > 0: ax.annotate('', xy=other_pos, xytext=circ_pos, arrowprops={'frac': 0.1, 'color': colour}) else: ax.annotate('', xytext=other_pos, xy=circ_pos, arrowprops={'frac': 0.1, 'color': colour}) else: other_angles[gc_entry] = angle ax.add_artist(c1) ax.plot(100*n.cos(angles), 100*n.sin(angles), 'o', markersize=8, color='black') ax.set_xlim(-140, 140) ax.set_ylim(-140, 140) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) return fig, ax