Source code for pyknotid.spacecurves.openknot


Class for working with open (linear) curves, that do not form closed
loops. :class:`OpenKnot` provides methods for visualising these curves
and analysing their topology via different kinds of closures.

API documentation


from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as n
import sympy as sym

from pyknotid.spacecurves.spacecurve import SpaceCurve
from pyknotid.spacecurves.knot import Knot
from pyknotid.spacecurves.rotation import get_rotation_angles, rotate_to_top
from collections import Counter

from pyknotid.invariants import alexander
from pyknotid.representations.gausscode import GaussCode
from pyknotid.representations.representation import Representation
from pyknotid.visualise import plot_shell, plot_sphere_shell_vispy

[docs]class OpenKnot(SpaceCurve): ''' Class for holding the vertices of a single line that is assumed to be an open curve. This class inherits from :class:`~pyknotid.spacecurves.spacecurve.SpaceCurve`, replacing any default arguments that assume closed curves, and providing methods for statistical analysis of knot invariants on projection and closure. All knot invariant methods return the results of a sampling over many projections of the knot, unless indicated otherwise. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OpenKnot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cached_v2 = {} self._cached_v3 = {} @SpaceCurve.points.setter def points(self, points): super(OpenKnot, self.__class__).points.fset(self, points) self._cached_alexanders = None def tangents(self): return super(Knot, self).tangents(closed=True)
[docs] def closing_distance(self): ''' Returns the distance between the first and last points. ''' return n.linalg.norm(self.points[-1] - self.points[0])
[docs] def raw_crossings(self, mode='use_max_jump', virtual_closure=False, recalculate=False, try_cython=False): ''' Calls :meth:`pyknotid.spacecurves.spacecurve.SpaceCurve.raw_crossings`, but without including the closing line between the last and first points (i.e. setting include_closure=False). ''' if not virtual_closure: return super(OpenKnot, self).raw_crossings(mode=mode, include_closure=False, recalculate=recalculate, try_cython=try_cython) cs = super(OpenKnot, self).raw_crossings(mode=mode, include_closure=True, recalculate=recalculate, try_cython=try_cython) if len(cs) > 0: closure_cs = n.argwhere(((cs[:, 0] > len(self.points)-1)) | ((cs[:, 1] > len(self.points)-1))) indices = closure_cs.flatten() for index in indices: cs[index, 2] = 0 return cs
def __str__(self): if self._crossings is not None: return '<OpenKnot with {} points, {} crossings>'.format( len(self.points), len(self._crossings)) return '<OpenKnot with {} points>'.format(len(self.points)) def closures(self, quantity, num_closures=10): angles = get_rotation_angles(num_closures) if not hasattr(Representation, quantity): raise ValueError('Representation has no invariant {}'.format(quantity)) results = [] print_dist = int(max(1, 3000. / len(self.points))) for i, angs in enumerate(angles): print('angs are', angs) if i % print_dist == 0: self._vprint('\ri = {} / {}'.format(i, len(angles)), False) k = Knot(self.points, verbose=False) k._apply_matrix(rotate_to_top(*angs)) k.zero_centroid() cs = k.raw_crossings() if len(cs) > 0: closure_cs = n.argwhere(((cs[:, 0] > len(self.points)-1) & (cs[:, 2] < 0.)) | ((cs[:, 1] > len(self.points)-1) & (cs[:, 2] > 0.))) indices = closure_cs.flatten() for index in indices: cs[index, 2:] *= -1 gc = Representation(cs, verbose=False) gc.simplify() results.append(getattr(gc, quantity)()) return results
[docs] def arclength(self): '''Calls :meth:`pyknotid.spacecurves.spacecurve.SpaceCurve.arclength`, automatically *not* including the closure. ''' return super(OpenKnot, self).arclength(include_closure=False)
[docs] def smooth(self, repeats=1, window_len=10, window='hanning'): '''Calls :meth:`pyknotid.spacecurves.spacecurve.SpaceCurve.smooth`, with the periodic argument automatically set to False. ''' super(OpenKnot, self).smooth(repeats=repeats, window_len=window_len, window=window, periodic=False)
def _plot_uniform_angles(self, number_of_samples): ''' Plots the projection of the knot at each of the given number of samples, approximately evenly distributed on the sphere. This function is really just for testing. ''' angles = get_rotation_angles(number_of_samples) for i, angs in enumerate(angles): k = OpenKnot(self.points, verbose=False) k._apply_matrix(rotate_to_top(*angs)) fig, ax = k.plot_projection(show=False) fig.set_size_inches((2, 2)) fig.savefig('rotation{:05d}'.format(i)) fig.close()
[docs] def plot_projections(self, number_of_samples): ''' Plots the projection of the knot at each of the given number of samples squared, rotated such that the sample direction is vertical. The output (and return) is a matplotlib plot with number_of_samples x number_of_samples axes. ''' angles = get_rotation_angles(number_of_samples ** 2) print('Got angles') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=number_of_samples, ncols=number_of_samples) print('got axes') all_axes = [ax for row in axes for ax in row] for i, angs in enumerate(angles): self._vprint('i = {} / {}'.format(i, len(angles))) k = OpenKnot(self.points, verbose=False) k._apply_matrix(rotate_to_top(*angs)) ax = all_axes[i] fig, ax = k.plot_projection(fig_ax=(fig, ax), show=False) fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax
[docs] def alexander_polynomials(self, number_of_samples=10, radius=None, recalculate=False, zero_centroid=False, optimise_closure=True): ''' Returns a list of Alexander polynomials for the knot, closing on a sphere of the given radius, with the given number of sample points approximately evenly distributed on the sphere. The results are cached by number of samples and radius. Parameters ---------- number_of_samples : int The number of points on the sphere to sample. Defaults to 10. optimise_closure: bool If True, doesn't really close on a sphere but at infinity. This lets the calculation be optimised slightly, and so is the default. radius : float The radius of the sphere on which to close the knot. Defaults to None, which picks 10 times the largest Cartesian deviation from 0. This is *only* used if optimise_closure=False. zero_centroid : bool Whether to first move the average position of vertices to (0, 0, 0). Defaults to True. Returns ------- : ndarray A number_of_samples by 3 array of angles and alexander polynomials. ''' if zero_centroid: self.zero_centroid() if not recalculate and self._cached_alexanders is not None: if (number_of_samples, radius) in self._cached_alexanders: return self._cached_alexanders[(number_of_samples, radius)] else: self._cached_alexanders = {} angles = get_rotation_angles(number_of_samples) polys = [] cache_radius = radius if radius is None: radius = 100 * n.max(self.points) # Not guaranteed to give 10* the real radius, but good enough print_dist = int(max(1, 3000. / len(self.points))) try: for i, angs in enumerate(angles): if i % print_dist == 0: self._vprint('\ri = {} / {}'.format(i, len(angles)), False) k = Knot(self.points, verbose=False) k._apply_matrix(rotate_to_top(*angs)) self.k = k if zero_centroid: k.zero_centroid() if optimise_closure: cs = k.raw_crossings() if len(cs) > 0: closure_cs = n.argwhere(((cs[:, 0] > len(self.points)-1) & (cs[:, 2] < 0.)) | ((cs[:, 1] > len(self.points)-1) & (cs[:, 2] > 0.))) indices = closure_cs.flatten() for index in indices: cs[index, 2:] *= -1 gc = GaussCode(cs, verbose=self.verbose) gc.simplify() polys.append([angs[0], angs[1], alexander(gc, simplify=False)]) else: points = k.points closure_point = points[-1] + points[0] / 2. closure_point[2] = radius k.points = n.vstack([points, closure_point]) polys.append([angs[0], angs[1], k.alexander_polynomial()]) except IndexError: self.failed_case = k self._cached_alexanders[ (number_of_samples, cache_radius)] = n.array(polys) return n.array(polys)
[docs] def closure_alexander_polynomial(self, theta=0, phi=0): '''Returns the Alexander polynomial of the knot, when projected in the z plane after rotating the given theta and phi to the North pole. Parameters ---------- theta : float The sphere angle theta phi : float The sphere angle phi ''' k = Knot(self.points, verbose=False) k._apply_matrix(rotate_to_top(theta, phi)) cs = k.raw_crossings() if len(cs) > 0: closure_cs = n.argwhere(((cs[:, 0] > len(self.points)-1) & (cs[:, 2] < 0.)) | ((cs[:, 1] > len(self.points)-1) & (cs[:, 2] > 0.))) indices = closure_cs.flatten() for index in indices: cs[index, 2:] *= -1 gc = GaussCode(cs, verbose=False) gc.simplify() return alexander(gc, simplify=False)
[docs] def alexander_fractions(self, number_of_samples=10, **kwargs): '''Returns each of the Alexander polynomials from self.alexander_polynomials, with the fraction of that type. ''' polys = self.alexander_polynomials( number_of_samples=number_of_samples, **kwargs) alexs = n.round(polys[:, 2]).astype( fracs = [] length = float(len(alexs)) for alex in n.unique(alexs): fracs.append((alex, n.sum(alexs == alex) / length)) return sorted(fracs, key=lambda j: j[1])
def _alexander_map_values(self, number_of_samples=10, interpolation=100, **kwargs): polys = self.alexander_polynomials( number_of_samples=number_of_samples, **kwargs) from scipy.interpolate import griddata positions = [] for i, row in enumerate(polys): positions.append(gall_peters(row[0], row[1])) positions = n.array(positions) interpolation_points = n.mgrid[0:2*n.pi:int(1.57*interpolation)*1j, -2.:2.:interpolation*1j] # interpolation_points = n.mgrid[0:2 * n.pi:157j, # -2.:2.:100j] # '''interpolation_points = n.mgrid[-n.pi:n.pi:157j, # -n.pi/2:n.pi/2:100j]''' values = griddata(positions, polys[:, 2], tuple(interpolation_points), method='nearest') return positions, values
[docs] def plot_alexander_map(self, number_of_samples=10, scatter_points=False, mode='imshow', interpolation=100, **kwargs): ''' Creates (and returns) a projective diagram showing each different Alexander polynomial in a different colour according to a closure on a far away point in this direction. Parameters ---------- number_of_samples : int The number of points on the sphere to close at. scatter_points : bool If True, plots a dot at each point on the map projection where a closure was made. mode : str 'imshow' to plot the pixels of an image, otherwise plots filled contours. Defaults to 'imshow'. interpolation : int The (short) side length of the interpolation grid on which the map projection is made. Defaults to 100. ''' positions, values = self._alexander_map_values( number_of_samples, interpolation=interpolation) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() '''fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="mollweide") ax.grid(True)''' if mode == 'imshow': cax = ax.imshow(values.T, cmap='jet', interpolation='none') fig.colorbar(cax) else: ax.contourf(values.T, cmap='jet', levels=[0] + range(3, int(n.max(values) + 1.1), 2)) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 1.565*interpolation) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, 0.995*interpolation) im_positions = positions*25*float(interpolation / 100.) im_positions[:, 0] -= 0.5 im_positions[:, 1] += 49.*(interpolation / 100.) + 0.5 if scatter_points: ax.scatter(im_positions[:, 0], im_positions[:, 1], color='black', alpha=1, s=1) fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax
[docs] def virtual_check(self): '''Takes an open curve and checks (for the default projection) if its Gauss code corresponds to a virtual knot or not. Returns a Boolean of this information. .. warning:: This only checks the distance by which entries in the Gauss code are separated, it is *not* guaranteed to detect virtual knots. Returns ------- virtual : bool True if the Gauss code corresponds to a virtual knot. False otherwise. ''' gauss_code = self.gauss_code()._gauss_code[0][:, 0] l = len(gauss_code) total_crossings = l / 2 crossing_counter = 1 virtual = False for crossing_number in self.gauss_code().crossing_numbers: occurences = n.where(gauss_code == crossing_number)[0] first_occurence = occurences[0] second_occurence = occurences[1] crossing_difference = second_occurence - first_occurence if crossing_difference % 2 == 0: return True return False
[docs] def virtual_checks(self, number_of_samples=10, zero_centroid=False): ''' Returns a list of virtual Booleans for the curve with a given number if projections taken from directions approximately evenly distributed. A value of True corresponds to the projection giving a virtual knot, with False returned otherwise. Parameters ---------- number_of_samples : int The number of points on the sphere to project from. Defaults to 10. zero_centroid : bool Whether to first move the average position of vertices to (0, 0, 0). Defaults to False. Returns ------- : ndarray A number_of_samples by 3 array of angles and virtual Booleans (True if virtual, False otherwise) ''' if zero_centroid: self.zero_centroid() angles = get_rotation_angles(number_of_samples) polys = [] print_dist = int(max(1, 3000. / len(self.points))) for i, angs in enumerate(angles): if i % print_dist == 0: self._vprint('\ri = {} / {}'.format(i, len(angles)), False) k = OpenKnot(self.points, verbose=False) k._apply_matrix(rotate_to_top(*angs)) if zero_centroid: k.zero_centroid() isvirtual = k.virtual_check() polys.append([angs[0], angs[1], isvirtual]) return n.array(polys)
[docs] def virtual_fractions(self, number_of_samples=10, **kwargs): '''Returns each of the virtual booleans from self.virtual.check.projections, with the fraction of each type. ''' polys = self.virtual_checks( number_of_samples=number_of_samples, **kwargs) alexs = n.round(polys[:, 2]).astype( fracs = [] length = float(len(alexs)) for alex in n.unique(alexs): fracs.append((alex, n.sum(alexs == alex) / length)) return sorted(fracs, key=lambda j: j[1])
def _virtual_map_values(self, number_of_samples=10, **kwargs): polys = self.virtual_checks( number_of_samples=number_of_samples, **kwargs) from scipy.interpolate import griddata positions = [] for i, row in enumerate(polys): positions.append(gall_peters(row[0], row[1])) positions = n.array(positions) interpolation_points = n.mgrid[0:2 * n.pi:157j, -2.:2.:100j] values = griddata(positions, polys[:, 2], tuple(interpolation_points), method='nearest') return positions, values
[docs] def plot_virtual_map(self, number_of_samples=10, scatter_points=False, mode='imshow', **kwargs): ''' Creates (and returns) a projective diagram showing each different virtual Boolean in a different colour according to a projection in this direction. ''' positions, values = self._virtual_map_values(number_of_samples) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() if mode == 'imshow': cax = ax.imshow(values.T, cmap='jet', interpolation='none') fig.colorbar(cax) else: ax.contourf(values.T, cmap='jet', levels=[0] + range(3, int(n.max(values) + 1.1), 2)) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 156.5) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, 99.5) im_positions = positions * 25 im_positions[:, 0] -= 0.5 im_positions[:, 1] += 49.5 if scatter_points: ax.scatter(im_positions[:, 0], im_positions[:, 1], color='black', alpha=1, s=1) fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_virtual_shell(self, number_of_samples=10, zero_centroid=False, sphere_radius_factor=2., opacity=0.3, **kwargs): ''' Plots the curve in 3d via self.plot(), along with a translucent sphere coloured according to whether or not the projection from this point corresponds to a virtual knot or not. Parameters are all passed to :meth:`OpenKnot.virtual_checks`, except opacity and kwargs which are given to mayavi.mesh, and sphere_radius_factor which gives the radius of the enclosing sphere in terms of the maximum Cartesian distance of any point in the line from the origin. ''' self.plot() positions, values = self._virtual_map_values( number_of_samples, zero_centroid=False) thetas = n.arcsin(n.linspace(-1, 1, 100)) + n.pi / 2. phis = n.linspace(0, 2 * n.pi, 157) thetas, phis = n.meshgrid(thetas, phis) r = sphere_radius_factor * n.max(self.points) zs = r * n.cos(thetas) xs = r * n.sin(thetas) * n.cos(phis) ys = r * n.sin(thetas) * n.sin(phis) import mayavi.mlab as may may.mesh(xs, ys, zs, scalars=values, opacity=opacity, **kwargs)
[docs] def self_linking(self, theta=0, phi=0): ''' Takes an open curve, finds its Gauss code (for the default projection) and calculates its self linking number, J(K). See Kauffman 2004 for more information. Returns ------- : self_link_counter : int The self linking number of the open curve ''' k = OpenKnot(self.points, verbose=False) k._apply_matrix(rotate_to_top(theta, phi)) # gausscode = k.gauss_code(virtual_closure=True) # gausscode.simplify() # gausscode = gausscode.without_virtual()._gauss_code[0] gausscode = k.gauss_code()._gauss_code[0] # gausscode = k.gauss_code()._gauss_code[0] l = len(gausscode) self_linking_counter = 0 cache = {} for index, row in enumerate(gausscode): number, over_under, orientation = row if number in cache: if ((index - cache[number]) % 2) == 0: self_linking_counter += orientation else: cache[number] = index return self_linking_counter
def closure_alexander(self, theta=0, phi=0): from pyknotid.spacecurves.knot import Knot k = Knot(self.points, verbose=False) k._apply_matrix(rotate_to_top(theta, phi)) cs = k.raw_crossings() if len(cs) > 0: closure_cs = n.argwhere(((cs[:, 0] > len(self.points)-1) & (cs[:, 2] < 0.)) | ((cs[:, 1] > len(self.points)-1) & (cs[:, 2] > 0.))) indices = closure_cs.flatten() for index in indices: cs[index, 2:] *= -1 gausscode = GaussCode(cs, verbose=False) l = len(gausscode) from pyknotid.invariants import alexander return alexander(gausscode)
[docs] def self_linkings(self, number_of_samples=10, zero_centroid=False, **kwargs): ''' Returns a list of self linking numbers for the curve with a given number of projections taken from directions approximately evenly distributed. Parameters ---------- number_of_samples : int The number of points on the sphere to project from. Defaults to 10. zero_centroid : bool Whether to first move the average position of vertices to (0, 0, 0). Defaults to False. Returns ------- : ndarray A number_of_samples by 3 array of angles and self linking number ''' if zero_centroid: self.zero_centroid() angles = get_rotation_angles(number_of_samples) polys = [] print_dist = int(max(1, 3000. / len(self.points))) for i, angs in enumerate(angles): if i % print_dist == 0: self._vprint('\ri = {} / {}'.format(i, len(angles)), False) k = OpenKnot(self.points, verbose=False) k._apply_matrix(rotate_to_top(*angs)) if zero_centroid: k.zero_centroid() self_linking = k.self_linking() polys.append([angs[0], angs[1], self_linking]) return n.array(polys)
[docs] def self_linking_fractions(self, number_of_samples=10, **kwargs): '''Returns each of the self linking numbers from self.virtual.self_link.projections, with the fraction of each type. ''' self_linkings = self.self_linkings( number_of_samples=number_of_samples, **kwargs) self_linkings = n.round(self_linkings[:, 2]).astype( fracs = [] length = float(len(self_linkings)) for alex in n.unique(self_linkings): fracs.append((alex, n.sum(self_linkings == alex) / length)) # fracs = n.array(fracs) return sorted(fracs, key=lambda j: j[1])
#return fracs[n.argsort(fracs[:, 1])] def _self_linking_map_values(self, number_of_samples=10, **kwargs): polys = self.self_linkings( number_of_samples=number_of_samples, **kwargs) from scipy.interpolate import griddata positions = [] for i, row in enumerate(polys): positions.append(gall_peters(row[0], row[1])) positions = n.array(positions) interpolation_points = n.mgrid[0:2 * n.pi:157j, -2.:2.:100j] values = griddata(positions, polys[:, 2], tuple(interpolation_points), method='nearest') return positions, values
[docs] def plot_self_linking_map(self, number_of_samples=10, scatter_points=False, mode='imshow', **kwargs): ''' Creates (and returns) a projective diagram showing each different self linking number in a different colour according to a projection in this direction. ''' positions, values = self._self_linking_map_values(number_of_samples) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() if mode == 'imshow': cax = ax.imshow(values.T, cmap='jet', interpolation='none') fig.colorbar(cax) else: ax.contourf(values.T, cmap='jet', levels=[0] + range(3, int(n.max(values) + 1.1), 2)) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 156.5) ax.set_ylim(-0.5, 99.5) im_positions = positions * 25 im_positions[:, 0] -= 0.5 im_positions[:, 1] += 49.5 if scatter_points: ax.scatter(im_positions[:, 0], im_positions[:, 1], color='black', alpha=1, s=1) fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_self_linking_shell(self, number_of_samples=100, **kwargs): ''' Plots the curve in 3d via self.plot(), along with a translucent sphere coloured by the self linking number obtained by projecting from this point. Parameters are all passed to :meth:`OpenKnot.virtual_checks`, except opacity and kwargs which are given to mayavi.mesh, and sphere_radius_factor which gives the radius of the enclosing sphere in terms of the maximum Cartesian distance of any point in the line from the origin. ''' self.plot(**kwargs) plot_shell(self._self_linking_map_values, self.points, number_of_samples=number_of_samples, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_alexander_shell(self, number_of_samples=100, mode='mesh', radius=None, **kwargs): ''' Plots the curve in 3d via self.plot(), along with a translucent sphere coloured by the type of knot obtained by closing on each point. Parameters are all passed to :meth:`OpenKnot.alexander_polynomials`, except opacity and kwargs which are given to mayavi.mesh, and sphere_radius_factor which gives the radius of the enclosing sphere in terms of the maximum Cartesian distance of any point in the line from the origin. ''' self.plot(**kwargs) if radius is None: self_radii = n.sqrt(n.sum(self.points*self.points, axis=1)) radius = n.max(self_radii) * 2 print('radius is', radius) if mode == 'mesh': plot_sphere_shell_vispy(self.closure_alexander_polynomial, number_of_samples, number_of_samples, radius=radius, **kwargs) elif mode == 'crude': plot_shell(self._alexander_map_values, self.points, number_of_samples=number_of_samples, **kwargs)
[docs] def alexander_polynomials_multiroots(self, number_of_samples=10, radius=None, zero_centroid=False): ''' Returns a list of Alexander polynomials for the knot, closing on a sphere of the given radius, with the given number of sample points approximately evenly distributed on the sphere. The Alexander polynomials are found at three different roots (2, 3 and 4) and a the knot types corresponding to these roots are returned also. The results are cached by number of samples and radius. Parameters ---------- number_of_samples : int The number of points on the sphere to sample. Defaults to 10. radius : float The radius of the sphere on which to close the knot. Defaults to None, which picks 10 times the largest Cartesian deviation from 0. zero_centroid : bool Whether to first move the average position of vertices to (0, 0, 0). Defaults to True. Returns ------- : ndarray A number_of_samples by 3 array of angles and alexander polynomials. ''' from pyknotid.catalogue.identify import from_invariants from pyknotid.catalogue.database import Knot as dbknot if zero_centroid: self.zero_centroid() if self._cached_alexanders is not None: if (number_of_samples, radius) in self._cached_alexanders: return self._cached_alexanders[(number_of_samples, radius)] else: self._cached_alexanders = {} angles = get_rotation_angles(number_of_samples) polys = [] cache_radius = radius if radius is None: radius = 100 * n.max(self.points) # Not guaranteed to give 10* the real radius, but good enough print_dist = int(max(1, 3000. / len(self.points))) for i, angs in enumerate(angles): if i % print_dist == 0: self._vprint('\ri = {} / {}'.format(i, len(angles)), False) k = Knot(self.points, verbose=False) k._apply_matrix(rotate_to_top(*angs)) if zero_centroid: k.zero_centroid() points = k.points closure_point = points[-1] + points[0] / 2. closure_point[2] = radius k.points = n.vstack([points, closure_point]) root_at_two = k.alexander_at_root(2) root_at_three = k.alexander_at_root(3) root_at_four = k.alexander_at_root(4) k_gauss_code = k.gauss_code() k_gauss_code.simplify() max_crossings = len(k_gauss_code) if max_crossings > 17: max_crossings = 18 knot_type = from_invariants(determinant=root_at_two, alex_imag_3=root_at_three, alex_imag_4=root_at_four, other=[dbknot.min_crossings <= max_crossings]) knot_type = knot_db_to_string(knot_type) polys.append([angs[0], angs[1], root_at_two, root_at_three, root_at_four, max_crossings, knot_type]) # self._cached_alexanders[ # (number_of_samples, cache_radius)] = n.array(polys) return polys
[docs] def multiroots_fractions(self, number_of_samples=10, **kwargs): ''' Returns each of the knot types from self.alexander_polynomials_multiroots, with the fraction of that type. ''' knot_info = self.alexander_polynomials_multiroots( number_of_samples, **kwargs) knot_types = [] for closures in knot_info: knot_types.append(closures[6]) knot_types = [item for sublist in knot_types for item in sublist] #flattens list knot_frequency = Counter(knot_types) common = knot_frequency.most_common() list_common = [list(elem) for elem in common] list_common_fractions = [[elem[0],elem[1]/float(number_of_samples)] for elem in list_common] return list_common_fractions
[docs] def generalised_alexander(self): ''' Returns the generalised Alexander polynomial for the default projection of the open knot ''' gauss_code_crossings = self.gauss_code()._gauss_code[0][:, 0] gauss_code_over_under = self.gauss_code()._gauss_code[0][:,1] gauss_code_orientations = self.gauss_code()._gauss_code[0][:,2] x = sym.var('x') y = sym.var('y') m_plus = sym.Matrix([[1 - x, -y], [-x * y**-1, 0]]) m_minus = sym.Matrix([[0, -x**-1 * y], [-y**-1, 1 - x**-1]]) num_crossings = len(self.gauss_code()) matrix = sym.zeros(2 * num_crossings, 2 *num_crossings) permutation_matrix = sym.zeros(2 * num_crossings, 2 * num_crossings) arc_labels = [0]*len(gauss_code_crossings) for i in range(len(gauss_code_crossings)): arc_labels[i] = [0] * 4 counter = 0 for crossing_number in self.gauss_code().crossing_numbers: occurrences = n.where(gauss_code_crossings == crossing_number)[0] if gauss_code_orientations[occurrences[0]] == 1: m = m_plus else: m = m_minus for i in [0,1]: for j in [0,1]: matrix[counter*2 + i,counter*2 + j] = m[i,j] counter += 1 for i in range(len(gauss_code_crossings)): arc_labels[i][0] = gauss_code_crossings[i] arc_labels[i][1] = (gauss_code_orientations[i] * gauss_code_over_under[i]) #-1 = r, +1 = l arc_labels[i-1][2] = gauss_code_crossings[i] arc_labels[i-1][3] = (-1 * gauss_code_orientations[i] * gauss_code_over_under[i]) #-1 = r, +1 = l counter = 1 for crossing_number in self.gauss_code().crossing_numbers: for i in range(len(gauss_code_crossings)): if arc_labels[i][0] == crossing_number: arc_labels[i][0] = counter if arc_labels[i][2] == crossing_number: arc_labels[i][2] = counter counter += 1 for i in range(len(arc_labels)): if arc_labels[i][1] < 0: if arc_labels[i][3] < 0 : #bottom right permutation_matrix[arc_labels[i][2]*2-1, arc_labels[i][0]*2-1] = 1 else: #bottom left permutation_matrix[arc_labels[i][2]*2-2, arc_labels[i][0]*2-1] = 1 else: if arc_labels[i][3] < 0: #upper right permutation_matrix[arc_labels[i][2]*2-1, arc_labels[i][0]*2-2] = 1 else: #upper left permutation_matrix[arc_labels[i][2]*2-2, arc_labels[i][0]*2-2] = 1 writhe = sum(gauss_code_orientations)/2 return (-1)**writhe * ((matrix - permutation_matrix).det())
[docs] def projection_invariant(self, **kwargs): ''' First checks if the projection of an open curve is virtual or classical. If virtual, a virtual knot invariant is calculated. Otherwise a classical invariant is calculated. ''' is_virtual = self.virtual_check() if is_virtual: return(['v', self.self_linking()]) else: from pyknotid.invariants import alexander return(['c'], alexander(self.gauss_code(), variable=-1, quadrant='lr', mode='python', simplify=False))
def slip_vassiliev_degree_2_average(self, samples=10, recalculate=False, **kwargs): from pyknotid.spacecurves.rotation import (get_rotation_angles, rotate_to_top) from pyknotid.spacecurves import Knot angles = get_rotation_angles(samples) v2s = [] for theta, phi in angles: k = OpenKnot(self.points, verbose=False) k._apply_matrix(rotate_to_top(theta, phi)) v2 = k._slip_vassiliev_degree_2_projection() v2s.append(v2) result = n.average(n.abs(v2s)) return result def _slip_vassiliev_degree_2_projection(self): gc = self.gauss_code() from pyknotid.writhes import slip_vassiliev_2 return slip_vassiliev_2(gc)
[docs] def vassiliev_degree_2_average(self, samples=10, recalculate=False, **kwargs): '''Returns the average Vassliev degree 2 invariant calculated by averaging its combinatorial value over many different projection directions. Parameters ---------- samples : int The number of directions to average over. Defaults to 10. recalculate : bool Whether to recalculate the writhe even if a cached result is available. Defaults to False. **kwargs : These are passed directly to :meth:`raw_crossings`. ''' if (self._cached_v2 and samples in self._cached_v2 and not recalculate): return self._cached_v2[samples] from pyknotid.spacecurves.rotation import (get_rotation_angles, rotate_to_top) from pyknotid.spacecurves import Knot angles = get_rotation_angles(samples) v2s = [] for theta, phi in angles: k = OpenKnot(self.points, verbose=False) k._apply_matrix(rotate_to_top(theta, phi)) v2 = k._vassiliev_degree_2_projection() v2s.append(v2) result = n.average(n.abs(v2s)) self._cached_v2[samples] = result return result
def _vassiliev_degree_2_projection(self): from pyknotid.spacecurves import Knot k = Knot(self.points, verbose=False) return k.vassiliev_degree_2(simplify=False, include_closure=False) def vassiliev_degree_3_average(self, samples=10, recalculate=False, signed=True, **kwargs): if (self._cached_v3 and samples in self._cached_v3 and not recalculate): return self._cached_v3[samples] from pyknotid.spacecurves.rotation import get_rotation_angles, rotate_to_top from pyknotid.spacecurves import Knot angles = get_rotation_angles(samples) v3s = [] for theta, phi in angles: k = OpenKnot(self.points, verbose=False) k._apply_matrix(rotate_to_top(theta, phi)) v3 = k._vassiliev_degree_3_projection() v3s.append(v3) if signed: result = n.average(v3s) elif signed is None: result = (n.average(v3s), n.average(n.abs(v3s))) else: result = n.average(n.abs(v3s)) self._cached_v3[(samples, signed)] = result return result def _vassiliev_degree_3_projection(self): from pyknotid.spacecurves import Knot k = Knot(self.points, verbose=False) return k.vassiliev_degree_3(simplify=False, include_closure=False) def virtual_vassiliev_degree_3(self): from pyknotid.invariants import virtual_vassiliev_degree_3 return virtual_vassiliev_degree_3(self.gauss_code()) def _determinants_and_self_linkings(self, number_of_samples=10, radius=None, recalculate=False, zero_centroid=False): if zero_centroid: self.zero_centroid() angles = get_rotation_angles(number_of_samples) polys = [] self_linkings = [] cache_radius = radius if radius is None: radius = 100 * n.max(self.points) # Not guaranteed to give 10* the real radius, but good enough print_dist = int(max(1, 3000. / len(self.points))) for i, angs in enumerate(angles): if i % print_dist == 0: self._vprint('\ri = {} / {}'.format(i, len(angles)), False) k = Knot(self.points, verbose=False) k._apply_matrix(rotate_to_top(*angs)) if zero_centroid: k.zero_centroid() cs = k.raw_crossings() if len(cs) > 0: closure_cs = n.argwhere(((cs[:, 0] > len(self.points)-1) & (cs[:, 2] < 0.)) | ((cs[:, 1] > len(self.points)-1) & (cs[:, 2] > 0.))) indices = closure_cs.flatten() for index in indices: cs[index, 2:] *= -1 gc = GaussCode(cs, verbose=self.verbose) gc.simplify() polys.append([angs[0], angs[1], alexander(gc, simplify=False)]) # Remove closing crossings to calculate self linking xs, ys = n.where(cs[:, :2] > len(k.points) - 1) keeps = n.ones(len(cs), dtype=n.bool) for x in xs: keeps[x] = False cs = cs[keeps] gausscode = GaussCode(cs)._gauss_code[0] l = len(gausscode) self_linking_counter = 0 cache = {} for index, row in enumerate(gausscode): number, over_under, orientation = row if number in cache: if ((index - cache[number]) % 2) == 0: self_linking_counter += orientation else: cache[number] = index self_linkings.append((angs[0], angs[1], self_linking_counter)) return n.array(polys), n.array(self_linkings) def _determinant_and_self_linking_fractions(self, number_of_samples=10, **kwargs): polys, self_linkings = self._determinants_and_self_linkings( number_of_samples, **kwargs) alexs = n.round(polys[:, 2]).astype( fracs = [] length = float(len(alexs)) for alex in n.unique(alexs): fracs.append((alex, n.sum(alexs == alex) / length)) det_fracs = sorted(fracs, key=lambda j: j[1]) self_linkings = n.round(self_linkings[:, 2]).astype( fracs = [] length = float(len(self_linkings)) for linking in n.unique(self_linkings): fracs.append((linking, n.sum(self_linkings == linking) / length)) self_linking_fracs = sorted(fracs, key=lambda j: j[1]) return det_fracs, self_linking_fracs def _closure_and_projection_invariants(self, number_of_samples=10, radius=None, recalculate=False, zero_centroid=False): if zero_centroid: self.zero_centroid() angles = get_rotation_angles(number_of_samples) closure_knotted = [] projection_virtual = [] projection_knotted = [] cache_radius = radius if radius is None: radius = 100 * n.max(self.points) # Not guaranteed to give 10* the real radius, but good enough print_dist = int(max(1, 3000. / len(self.points))) for i, angs in enumerate(angles): if i % print_dist == 0: self._vprint('\ri = {} / {}'.format(i, len(angles)), False) k = Knot(self.points, verbose=False) k._apply_matrix(rotate_to_top(*angs)) if zero_centroid: k.zero_centroid() cs = k.raw_crossings() if len(cs) > 0: closure_cs = n.argwhere(((cs[:, 0] > len(self.points)-1) & (cs[:, 2] < 0.)) | ((cs[:, 1] > len(self.points)-1) & (cs[:, 2] > 0.))) indices = closure_cs.flatten() for index in indices: cs[index, 2:] *= -1 gc = GaussCode(cs, verbose=self.verbose) gc.simplify() is_knotted = (alexander(gc, simplify=False)) > 1.5 closure_knotted.append([angs[0], angs[1], is_knotted]) # Remove closing crossings to calculate self linking xs, ys = n.where(cs[:, :2] > len(k.points) - 1) keeps = n.ones(len(cs), dtype=n.bool) for x in xs: keeps[x] = False cs = cs[keeps] rep = Representation(cs) is_virtual = rep.self_linking() != 0 projection_virtual.append((angs[0], angs[1], is_virtual)) if not is_virtual: is_knotted = alexander(gc, simplify=False) > 1.5 projection_knotted.append([angs[0], angs[1], is_knotted]) else: projection_knotted.append([angs[0], angs[1], False]) return (n.array(closure_knotted), n.array(projection_virtual), n.array(projection_knotted)) def _closure_and_projection_knotted_fractions(self, number_of_samples=10, **kwargs): polys, self_linkings = self._determinants_and_self_linkings( number_of_samples, **kwargs) ck, pv, pk = self._closure_and_projection_invariants(number_of_samples, **kwargs) ck_fraction = n.average(ck[:, -1]) pv_fraction = n.average(pv[:, -1]) return ck_fraction, pv_fraction, n.average(pv[:, -1].astype(n.bool) | pk[:, -1].astype(n.bool)) def plot_vassiliev_spectrum(self, angles=100, max_crossings=8): v2 = self.vassiliev_degree_2_average() v3 = self.vassiliev_degree_3_average() from pyknotid.catalogue.identify import from_invariants import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() ks = from_invariants(max_crossings=max_crossings) for k in ks: kv2 = k.vassiliev_2 kv3 = k.vassiliev_3 ax.scatter([kv2], [kv3]) ax.set_xlabel('v2') ax.set_ylabel('v3') ax.scatter([v2], [v3], color='red') return fig, ax
[docs]def gall_peters(theta, phi): ''' Converts spherical coordinates to the Gall-Peters projection of the sphere, an area-preserving projection in the shape of a Rectangle. Parameters ---------- theta : float The latitude, in radians. phi : float The longitude, in radians. ''' theta -= n.pi / 2 return (phi, 2 * n.sin(theta))
[docs]def mollweide(phi, lambda_): ''' Converts spherical coordinates to the Mollweide projection of the sphere, an area-preserving projection in the shape of an ellipse. Parameters ---------- phi : float The latitude, in radians. lambda_ : float The longitude, in radians. ''' if phi == n.pi/2 or phi == -n.pi/2: theta_m = phi else: theta_n = phi theta_m = 0 while abs(theta_m - theta_n) > 0.000001: theta_n = theta_m theta_m = (theta_n - (2*theta_n + n.sin(2*theta_n) - n.pi * n.sin(phi)) / (2 + 2*n.cos(2*theta_n))) x = ((2 * n.sqrt(2)) / (n.pi)) * lambda_ * n.cos(theta_m) y = n.sqrt(2) * n.sin(theta_m) return(x,y)
[docs]def knot_db_to_string(database_object): ''' Takes output from from_invariants() and returns knot type as decimal. For example: <Knot 3_1> becomes 3.1 and <Knot K13n1496> becomes 13.1496 ''' db_strings = [] for entries in database_object: db_string = str(entries) if db_string[6] == 'K': db_string = db_string[7:-1] else: db_string = db_string[6:-1] db_string = db_string.replace('_', '.') db_strings.append(db_string) return db_strings