Source code for pyknotid.spacecurves.periodiccell


Tools for working with a periodic cell of spacecurves.

API documentation
from pyknotid.utils import ensure_shape_tuple
from pyknotid.spacecurves import Knot, OpenKnot
import numpy as n
import numpy as np

[docs]class Cell(object): '''Class for holding the vertices of some number of lines with periodic boundary conditions. Parameters ========== lines : list Must be a list of Knots or ndarrays of vertices. shape : tuble or int The shape of the cell, in whatever units the lines use. periodic : bool Whether the cell is periodic. If True, lines are marked as 'nth' or 'loop' in self.line_types. Defaults to True. ''' def __init__(self, lines, shape, periodic=True, cram=False, downsample=None): self.shape = ensure_shape_tuple(shape) lines = [l for l in lines if len(l) > 1] if downsample is not None: lines = [l[::downsample] for l in lines] lines = list(map(_interpret_line, lines)) if cram: lines = [_cram_into_cell(l, self.shape) for l in lines] self.lines = [_cut_line_at_jumps(l, self.shape) for l in lines] self.periodic = periodic self.line_types = None if periodic: self.line_types = [_test_periodicity(l, self.shape) for l in self.lines]
[docs] @classmethod def from_qwer(cls, qwer, shape, **kwargs): '''Returns an instance of Cell from a quartet of differently classified lines in periodic boundaries. Parameters ---------- qwer : tuple Should be a 4-tuple of lists q, w, e, r. q is closed loops, w is lines with non-trivial homology, e is lines that terminate on the boundaries of the cell, r is any remaining (unclassified) lines. shape : int or tuple The size of the cell along each axis. If a single number is passed, all axes are assumed to be the same length. ''' q, w, e, r = qwer if len(w) > 0 and isinstance(w[0], tuple): w = [l[2] for l in w] if len(e) > 0 and isinstance(e[0], tuple): e = [l[2] for l in e] output = cls(q+w+e, shape, **kwargs) output.qwer = (q, w, e, r) return output
def append(self, line, cram=False): line = _interpret_line(line) if cram: line = _cram_into_cell(line) self.lines.append(line) def plot(self, boundary=True, clf=True, tube_radius=0.5, length_colours=None, **kwargs): from pyknotid.visualise import plot_cell boundary = self.shape if boundary else None if length_colours is not None: if 'colours' in kwargs: raise ValueError( 'colours and length_colours cannot both be set') q, w, e, r = self.qwer from pyknotid.spacecurves.openknot import OpenKnot lengths = [] for line in q + w + e: k = OpenKnot.from_periodic_line(line, self.shape) length = k.arclength() lengths.append(length) total_length = np.sum(lengths) lengths = [l / total_length for l in lengths] colours = [] for length in lengths: for bound, colour in length_colours[:-1]: if length < bound: colours.append(colour) break else: colours.append(length_colours[-1]) kwargs['colours'] = colours plot_cell(self.lines, boundary=boundary, clf=clf, tube_radius=tube_radius, **kwargs)
[docs] def smooth(self, repeats=1, window_len=10): '''Smooth each line in the curve, equivalent to :meth:`~pyknotid.spacecurves.spacecurve.SpaceCurve.smooth`. ''' from pyknotid.spacecurves import Knot new_lines = [] for i, line in enumerate(self.lines): new_segments = [] for segment in line: if len(segment) > window_len: k = Knot(segment) k.smooth(repeats, periodic=False, window_len=window_len) new_segments.append(k.points) else: new_segments.append(segment) new_lines.append(new_segments) self.lines = new_lines
def to_povray(self, filen, spline='cubic_spline'): from pyknotid.visualise import cell_to_povray cell_to_povray(filen, self.lines, self.shape) def get_lengths(self): from pyknotid.spacecurves.openknot import OpenKnot lengths = [] for line in self.lines: points = n.vstack(line) k = OpenKnot.from_periodic_line(points, self.shape, perturb=False) lengths.append(k.arclength()) return lengths def simplify(self, num=1, cut_selection='uniform', **kwargs): from pyknotid.simplify import octree for i in range(num): print('i = {} / {}'.format(i, num)) ot = octree.OctreeCell.from_cell_lines(self.lines, self.shape, cut_selection=cut_selection, **kwargs) ot.simplify() self.lines = [_cut_line_at_jumps(l, self.shape) for l in ot.get_lines()]
[docs] def linking_matrix(self): '''Get the linking numbers of each line in the cell with every other. ''' from pyknotid.spacecurves.openknot import OpenKnot from import Link from collections import defaultdict lines = self.lines types = ['loop' if _is_closed_loop( OpenKnot.from_periodic_line(np.vstack(l), self.shape, perturb=False).points) else 'line' for l in lines] linkings = np.zeros((len(lines), len(lines))) linkings = {} for i1, details in enumerate(zip(lines, types)): line1, line_type1 = details print('i1 is', i1, len(lines)) for i2, other_details in enumerate(zip(lines[i1:], types[i1:])): i2 += i1 print('i2 is', i2) line2, line_type2 = other_details if line_type1 == 'loop' and line_type2 == 'loop': linking = get_linking_between_loops( line1, line2, self.shape, same_loop=(i1==i2)) print('linking is', linking) if linking: linkings[(i1, i2)] = linking elif line_type1 == 'loop' and line_type2 == 'line': linking = get_linking_between_loop_and_line( line1, line2, self.shape) # Same as previous condition, just the opposite order elif line_type1 == 'line' and line_type2 == 'loop': linking = get_linking_between_loop_and_line( line2, line1, self.shape) elif line_type1 == 'line' and line_type2 == 'line': pass return linkings
# def efficient_linking_matrix(self): # '''Get the linking numbers of each line in the cell with every # other. # ''' # # Should this be the periodic linking number or not? # linkings = np.zeros((len(self.lines), # len(self.lines))) # import chelpers # all_crossings = [] # for i1, line in enumerate(self.lines): # segments_1 = line # cum_lengths_1 = np.cumsum(map(len, segments_1)) # print('i1 is', i1, len(self.lines)) # for i2, other_line in enumerate(self.lines[i1+1:]): # i2 += 1 # segments_2 = line # cum_lengths_2 = np.cumsum(map(len, segments_2)) # steps_2 = [ # np.roll(segment[:, :2], -1, axis=0) - segment[:, :2] for # segment in segments_1] # step_lengths_2 = [] # for steps in steps_2: # step_lengths_2.append(np.array( # [np.sqrt(np.sum(row**2)) # for row in steps])) # max_step_lengths_2 = [np.max(ls) for ls in # step_lengths_2] # current_linking = 0 # current_offset = (0, 0, 0) # crossings = [] # for segment_1, current_index in zip(segments_1, cum_lengths_1): # for i, point in enumerate(segment_1[:-1]): # next_point = segment_1[i+1] # crossing_index = current_index + i # dv = next_point - point # for crossing_index_2, segment_2, lengths_2, max_step_length in zip( # cum_lengths_2, segments_2, # step_lengths_2, # max_step_lengths_2): # new_crossings = chelpers.find_crossings( # point, dv, # segment_2, # lengths_2, # crossing_index, # 0, # max_step_length # ) # if new_crossings: # new_crossings = np.array(new_crossings) # new_crossings[::2, 1] += crossing_index_2 # new_crossings[1::2, 0] += crossing_index_2 # # new_crossings[:, 1] += crossing_index_2 # crossings.append(new_crossings) # if crossings: # all_crossings.append((i1, i2, np.vstack(crossings))) # linkings = [] # return all_crossings def _interpret_line(line): if isinstance(line, Knot): return line.points elif isinstance(line, n.ndarray): return line return ValueError('Lines must be Knots or ndarrays.') def _test_periodicity(line, shape): closing_vector = (line[-1][-1] - line[0][0]) / n.array(shape) if n.any(closing_vector > 0.2): return 'nth' return 'loop' def _cut_line_at_jumps(line, shape): x, y, z = shape shape = n.array(shape) if x < 0 or y < 0 or z < 0: return line line = line.copy() i = 0 out = [] while i < (len(line)-1): cur = line[i] nex = line[i+1] if n.any(n.abs(nex-cur) > 0.9*shape): first_half = line[:(i+1)] second_half = line[(i+1):] out.append(first_half) line = second_half i = 0 else: i += 1 out.append(line) return out def _cram_into_cell(line, shape): '''Imposes the shape as periodic boundary conditions.''' shape = n.array(shape) dx, dy, dz = shape points = n.array(line).copy() for i in range(1, len(points)): prev = points[i-1] cur = points[i] rest = points[i:] if cur[0] < 0: rest[:, 0] += dx if cur[0] > dx: rest[:, 0] -= dx if cur[1] < 0: rest[:, 1] += dy if cur[1] > dy: rest[:, 1] -= dy if cur[2] < 0: rest[:, 2] += dz if cur[2] > dz: rest[:, 2] -= dz return points def _is_closed_loop(line, cutoff=5.): closing_distance = np.sqrt(np.sum((line[-1] - line[0])**2)) return closing_distance < cutoff from import Link class BoundingBox(object): def __init__(self, l): if hasattr(l, 'points'): # crudely get the points if l is a # Knot or SpaceCurve l = l.points self.mins = np.min(l, axis=0) self.maxs = np.max(l, axis=0) def intersects(self, b): b1 = self b2 = b b1xmax, b1ymax, b1zmax = b1.maxs b1xmin, b1ymin, b1zmin = b1.mins b2xmax, b2ymax, b2zmax = b2.maxs b2xmin, b2ymin, b2zmin = b2.mins return (b1xmax > b2xmin and b1xmin < b2xmax and b1ymax > b2ymin and b1ymin < b2ymax and b1zmax > b2zmin and b1zmin < b2zmax) def translations_to(self, b, shape): ''' Returns the translations of b1 that could make it overlap b2. ''' b1 = self b2 = b size1 = b1.maxs - b1.mins size2 = b2.maxs - b2.mins if not isinstance(shape, (int, float)): assert len(set(shape)) == 1 shape = float(shape[0]) # should these have +1 and -1? steps_mins = np.floor((b2.mins - b1.maxs) / shape).astype( + 1 steps_maxs = np.floor((b2.maxs - b1.mins) / shape).astype( return steps_mins, steps_maxs distance_from_b2_to_b1 = b2.mins - b1.mins num_steps_from_b2_to_b1 = distance_from_b2_to_b1 / shape def get_linking_between_loops(line1, line2, shape, same_loop=False, periodic=True): if periodic: l = Link.from_periodic_lines((np.vstack(line1), np.vstack(line2)), shape, perturb=False) else: l = Link((line1, line2)) b1 = BoundingBox(l.lines[0].points) b2 = BoundingBox(l.lines[1].points) # Get the range of x, y and z translations under # which the bounding boxes collide translations = b2.translations_to(b1, shape) print('translations are', translations) linkings = {} for dx in range(translations[0][0], translations[1][0] + 1): for dy in range(translations[0][1], translations[1][1] + 1): for dz in range(translations[0][2], translations[1][2] + 1): if same_loop: if dx == dy == dz == 0: continue print('dx dy dz', dx, dy, dz, translations[0], translations[1]) points1 = l.lines[0].points.copy() points2 = l.lines[1].points.copy() points2 += np.array([dx, dy, dz]) * np.array(shape) b2 = BoundingBox(points2) if not b1.intersects(b2): continue l_new = Link((points1, points2), verbose=False) l_new.rotate() linking_number = l_new.linking_number() if linking_number: linkings[(dx, dy, dz)] = linking_number return linkings def get_linking_between_loop_and_line(loop, line, shape, periodic=True): loop= np.vstack(loop) line = np.vstack(line) loop = Knot.from_periodic_line(loop, shape) line = OpenKnot.from_periodic_line(line, shape) line_closure = (line.points[-1] - line.points[0]) / shape[0] line_closure = np.round(line_closure).astype( print('closure is', line_closure) b1 = BoundingBox(line.points) b2 = BoundingBox(loop.points) # Get the range of x, y and z translations under # which the bounding boxes collide translations = b2.translations_to(b1, shape) print('translations are', translations) linkings = {} from import Link from pyknotid.spacecurves.rotation import rotate_vector_to_top from pyknotid.utils import get_rotation_matrix random_matrix = get_rotation_matrix(np.random.random(size=3) * 2 * np.pi) # loop._apply_matrix(rotation_matrix) # line._apply_matrix(rotation_matrix) loop._apply_matrix(random_matrix) line._apply_matrix(random_matrix) to_top_matrix = rotate_vector_to_top(line.points[-1] - line.points[0]) loop._apply_matrix(to_top_matrix) line._apply_matrix(to_top_matrix) # Switch x and z axes # loop.points[:, 0], loop.points[:, 2] = loop.points[:, 2], loop.points[:, 0] # line.points[:, 0], line.points[:, 2] = line.points[:, 2], line.points[:, 0] axis_rotation = get_rotation_matrix((np.pi / 2., 0, 0)) line._apply_matrix(axis_rotation) loop._apply_matrix(axis_rotation) for dx in range(translations[0][0], translations[1][0] + 1): for dy in range(translations[0][1], translations[1][1] + 1): for dz in range(translations[0][2], translations[1][2] + 1): print(dx, dy, dz) translation =, dy, dz)) * np.array(shape)) translation = translation = print('translation is', translation) points1 = line.points.copy() points2 = loop.points.copy() points1[-1] = points1[0] points2 += translation b1 = BoundingBox(points1) b2 = BoundingBox(points2) if not b1.intersects(b2): continue l = Link((points1, points2), verbose=False) linking_number = l.linking_number(include_closures=False) # if linking_number: # import ipdb # ipdb.set_trace() if linking_number: linkings[(dx, dy, dz)] = linking_number return linkings # We can calculate the linking number as a link in the current plane, as the crossings will be made up later # 0.1) Choose a random rotation # 1) Rotate the line to have homology vector in z=0 # 2) For every translation where the loop overlaps the line at all... # ...but factoring out translations that are multiples of the line's homology vector! # 3) Extend the line as far as necessary # 4) Calculate the linking # For every position where the loop1 = np.array([[0., 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 5, 0], [0, 5, 0], [0, 0.1, 0]]) loop2 = np.array([[2.5, 2.5, -3], [2.5, 2.5, 3], [7, 8, 3], [7, 8, -3], [2.7, 2.65, -3]]) loop3 = loop2 + np.array([30., 0, 0])